مايو 8, 2019
How many shortcodes/blocks/elements are there in Rogan?

There are over 200 shortcodes/blocks/elements in Rogan WordPress Theme. You can use any block/element into any page as you want.

مايو 8, 2019
Can I use all the Home page demos in a single website?

yes, you can use all the Home demos in a single website.

مايو 8, 2019
Is WooCommerce shop and Elementor builder available in Rogan?

Yes, WooCommerce is integrated and fully functional in SaasLand. You can build your own store using SaasLand.

مايو 8, 2019
Is Rogan Gutenberg compatible and latest WordPress supported?

Yes, SaasLand is compatible with Gutenberg.

مايو 8, 2019
Is Rogan WordPress 5.0 compatible and GDPR ready?

Yes, SaasLand is compatible with WordPress 5.0 and higher versions.

مايو 8, 2019
What page builder is integrated into Rogan WordPress Theme?

Rogan WordPress theme comes with “Elementor” which is a very advanced, drag-n-drop page builder. For Elementor related issues, you may check their support: https://elementor.com/support/

مايو 8, 2019
How do I repair an item on envato market?

Why I say old chap that is spiffing pukka, bamboozled wind up bugger buggered zonked hanky panky a blinding shot the little rotter, bubble and squeak vagabond cheeky bugger at public school pardon you bloke the BBC. Tickety-boo Elizabeth plastered